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Model School Primary School, Northland Rd, County Londonderry

JIGSAW - Mrs. F Curran

Welcome to Jigsaw! In Jigsaw, we currently have 7 wonderful pupils along with Mrs Curran and Ms Barr.

Jigsaw is a safe place in school where children can learn, develop and grow based on their individual needs. Jigsaw allows children to flourish emotionally. Jigsaw is located in one of our mobile classrooms. This classroom within the school is set up just like a home, with a living area as well as a kitchen and dining area. In Jigsaw we have a set routine which allows children to know what they are doing each day. Children attend Jigsaw daily Monday-Thursday and return to their own class each Friday. However, they begin each morning and end each school day in their own class, whilst continuing to take part in all school activities with their class.

In Jigsaw, children have the chance to develop lots of skills to help them in their learning and daily life. Our main focus is on managing feelings and emotions using lots of different strategies to help children understand and moderate their emotions as well as social aspects such as making friends, taking turns and having conversations with others, especially during our daily breakfast session.

During the year, we will focus on the development of fine and gross motor skills, exploring and expressing feelings, engaging in activities with a particular focus on the emotional curriculum and promoting social skills. The children, on a weekly basis, take part in relax kids, group theraplay, connect and nurture, tabletop games, baking and outdoor play/learning. We also explore the local area in our Out and About days to build on and create new experiences for the children.

Our daily literacy sessions focus on spelling, phonics, word building, sentence to picture matching, comprehension, sentence writing, reading and sight vocabulary.

Our daily numeracy sessions focus on place value within 10-100, addition and subtraction within 20-100, multiplication and division, fractions, shape, position and direction, money, time, length and height, weight and volume. We develop mental recall using fun mathematical games on the interactive whiteboard.

We promote and strengthen links and relationships between Home, School and Community through our participation in Fareshare and the facilitation of parent sessions which we host each half-term. These sessions allow parents and children to come together, nurturing positive relationships. These sessions are full of fun and provide a positive experience for parents, pupils and staff.

We look forward to another great year in Jigsaw with our amazing boys and girls!

